Monday 23 February 2015


Hello there!
I have tried blogging in the past but it hasn't been very successful so I have decided to really try this time.
So as my first post I am going to talk about my piercings and my tattoos as shown in the pictures above. The piercings I have are navel and reverse navel (belly piercings), Tragus, Rook and Industrial which are all cartilage piercings. I got my belly pierced in 2011, I dont really remember the pain which can only mean it wasn't that bad, I cleaned it twice a day with a cleaning solution the shop gave me, I got it pierced at a place called Pulse which is located in Northampton.

The second piercing I got was my industrial piercings which is the bar through to the top of my ear. I got this in 2013, it wasn't to painful it was just uncomfortable for the most part the only painful part was two days later the swelling went down and it bleed a lot but after that it was fine.I cleaned it twice a day with a salt water solution. I got this piercing at a shop called wyrdos.

My third piercing was my reverse navel.I got this piercing in may 2014, this was rather uncomfortable and it did sting a bit afterwards and I was not able to wear high wasted things for a while afterwards. Again with the cleaning processes was the same twice a day and a salt water solution it took about a week before I could wear high waisted jeans again. I also got this piercing at wyrdos.

My fourth piercing is my tragus, I got this piercing in 2014 also. It was quite painful as it very thick cartilage however after pain wasn't bad at all, I could sleep on it and I could wear headphones straight away, same clean processes as above and also same location.

My last piercing is my rook piercing which I got earlier this year and this was the most painful out of them all. It was swear worthy, I can sleep on it but it can be uncomfortable sometimes but its less than a month old so that is to be expected, again same cleaning processes and same place as the previous three piercings.

Now for my tattoos I got both my tattoos from the same place which is called the Electra tattoo company.

My first tattoo  is piece on my shoulder blade. Its the Bon Jovi logo, Bon Jovi is my favourite band so that;s why I got it tattooed no other real reason. I got this tattoo for my 18th birthday best present ever I have to say. My second tattoo is the deathly hallows symbol on my wrist again there is no real reason to why I got this tattoo other than the fact I really like Harry Potter and as everyone says I grew up with it so I thought it would be right to a tattoo representing it.

So that's all about my tattoos and piercings I hope you liked it.  Please leave suggestions below to what pots you would like to see.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Piercing post

Hello everyone!,

 On the 27th of August I got a scaffolding piercing done, this picture is taken on the evening I had it done.

I have wanted one for ages but never had the money and wasn't allowed to due to school rules, now that I have left school and will be starting college I asked my mum if I could have it done (she agreed despite her not wanting me too).

  I got it pierced in a place called wyrdos (yes that's how its spelled) which is located in the town I live in.

The whole procedure was very quick, as soon a I went into the shop and asked for it to be done they took me upstairs to do it,  I filled in a form and then went in to the room. Whilst in the room I got a little bit nervous but Luke and the person piercing my ear were very reassuring.

I'm not going to lie it was painful but it was bearable it was a very odd feeling because it is a cartilage piercing. These is some slight bruising on the lower part around the back, which has cause some swelling but it is gradually going down.

I have to keep this clear bendy bar in my ear for 6 weeks and then I can go back and get a metal bar put in place instead.

The cost of this piercing is £40 and I do believe that this is a general price for this piercing.

After care <3 

After it had been pierced the lady gave a me a leaflet that told me about the after care of the piercing and a rough guide to how long it will take to heal. 

After care for this piercing is basically the cleaning process. 

Cleaning process:
 the cleaning process for ears is a very simple. 
 all you need to do is have a cup of boiled water and fill it with a teaspoon of sea salt and mix that in until it dissolves, wait until the water has cooled down to body temperature and then use a cotton bud to clean the top and bottom of the piercing twice daily. Over cleaning can be very bad for the healing process as it can make the skin abrasive which will cause unnecessary damage to the skin. 

  Each week up until I get the bar put in a will write a blog post about its whole progress and healing process I will post each post every Tuesday for 6 weeks so look out for them. 

I will make a video about my piercing on my channel so if you would like to check that out it will be recorded and up on the  30th august so head over to my channel it will be my first ever video so I will leave my channel link under here for you. As this is the first post about my piercing I will be labeling it piercing 1 but so there will be 7 piercing post as a whole. I will speak to you next Tuesday about the piercing and I will probably make a blog post in between so see you then. 

bye for now